Inspire. Challenge. Succeed.
Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 continues to move forward in their learning journey by asking meaningful questions and making thoughtful connections within and across subject areas! Students are embracing the challenges of what it means to be a successful learner.
Jiho's colour-symbol-image describing how he learns best |
Curriculum Corner
Literacy. During Writer's Workshop, students have been growing ideas about their characters based on their actions, feelings and thoughts. Students continue to draft and revise their small moment stories using the tools and structures provided in their Writing App. Students are paying closer attention to their use of elaboration and craft, adding more to the heart of the story by including meaningful details to develop further their ideas.
Literacy. During Writer's Workshop, students have been growing ideas about their characters based on their actions, feelings and thoughts. Students continue to draft and revise their small moment stories using the tools and structures provided in their Writing App. Students are paying closer attention to their use of elaboration and craft, adding more to the heart of the story by including meaningful details to develop further their ideas.
Students are using the story arc to organize their ideas
Figurative language allows the writer to use precise and sensory details to bring a story to life ("Craft" - Grade 4 Narrative Writing Rubric).
Students continue to stop and jot in their Reading Notebooks about important events in our class read aloud, "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo. Students are pausing to synthesize the information gathered, thinking about the backstory that further explains the important events in the book.
Parents, use the reading strategies below to help support your and your child's thinking when reading together:
Math. Students continue to develop their understanding of adding and subtracting larger numbers, as well as organizing data. Students should review place value and estimation, and practice interpreting sets of data using mean, median, mode and range. We will soon be wrapping up our unit and students will be bringing home the Unit 2 Study Guide to help prepare for their post-test. Please review the Unit 2: Family Letter that provides important background information, vocabulary, do-anytime activities and homework support. Additional resources, including information about all Grade 4 math units, can be found under "Math Links" on the blog.
Students, watch the videos on multidigit addition and subtraction to help strengthen your understanding of these skills and concepts:
Students, watch the videos on multidigit addition and subtraction to help strengthen your understanding of these skills and concepts:
Students, review the skills and concepts learned in Unit 1 by rewatching the Math Antics Geometry Video Lessons. Sharpen your skills by playing the math games and watching the BrainPop videos listed below.
Parents, encourage a growth mindset in your child for Math! |
Units of Study. Grade 4 is taking a closer look at our home, Brazil. Students are focusing on the theme of Human-Environment Interaction to describe the ways in which people in the Northeast, North and Southeast regions of Brazil depend on the physical environment. Through small and whole group learning engagements, students will answer the following question: How does the environment affect the people who live there?
Homework Expectations
Exploring our passions will teach us to be lifelong learners. With this in mind, we feel that time outside of the classroom is important in order to pursue our interests.
The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
- Read 30 minutes
- Complete one Math worksheet every 2 days
- Complete unfinished class work
- Review our Grade 4 blog for additional curricular information and/or to extend the learning at home
Grade 4, practice and develop a growth mindset! |
Parents, make your thinking visible at home! Learning to be flexible in our thinking allows us to reflect and make meaningful connections to the world around us; therefore, a culture of thinking for active, healthy and mindful living is created!
Parent Tip: Ask the question, "What makes you say that?"... This simple, yet powerful question, enables parents and teachers to get a clearer glimpse into the thinking behind the child's initial ideas. By asking "What makes you say that?" in a curious and non-judgemental tone, learners are asked to build their explanations and provide evidence-based reasoning to support their ideas further (Ron Ritchhart, 10 Parent Applications, Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education).
One School. One Community. One Graded.
Our expectations for you are to feel inspired, and strive to inspire. We expect for you to challenge yourself daily and feel successful. We expect for you to be kind, curious, and respectful. We expect for you to persevere, have integrity, and grow as a learner.
Important Dates and Events
October 2... Eagle's Nest Assembly (students only)
October 2... Ms. Gregory's Birthday
October 2-6... K-12 Kindness Week!
October 3... Wear a blue shirt to show your support against bullying!
October 6... Learning Community D Assembly (Ms. Gehrels)
October 9... Eagle's Nest Assembly (students only)
October 9-10... Teacher Appreciation Week
October 12... Nossa Senhora Aparecida Holiday - No School
October 13... No School
October 20-21... Innovate 2017
October 24-26... Student Led Conferences
October 2... Ms. Gregory's Birthday
October 2-6... K-12 Kindness Week!
October 3... Wear a blue shirt to show your support against bullying!
October 6... Learning Community D Assembly (Ms. Gehrels)
October 9... Eagle's Nest Assembly (students only)
October 9-10... Teacher Appreciation Week
October 12... Nossa Senhora Aparecida Holiday - No School
October 13... No School
October 20-21... Innovate 2017
October 24-26... Student Led Conferences
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