Friday, September 8, 2017

Grade 4 Celebrates Brazil!

Inspire. Challenge. Succeed. 

Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 builds community during our Brazilian Independence Day Celebrations! Students practiced acting safelygiving respect and embracing challenges as they participated in the different activities. 

Curriculum Corner

Literacy. Students continue to be immersed in the fantastic world of fiction, both in reading and in writing. During Writer's Workshop, students are developing their small moment stories, using the story arc to organize their ideas or elaborating to show more about their characters through actions, dialogue, thoughts and feelings. 

Where and Somebody: Setting and Characters
Wants (Motivations): Problem
But (Struggles): Events related to the problem
So: Action that took place to make a decision
Then: Solution to the problem - What was the theme of the story or the lesson learned?
Elaboration and Craft: The author's writing style and word choice (show don't tell!)

Students continue to stop and jot in their Reading Notebooks about important events in our class read aloud, "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo, in addition to their just right reading fiction books. Students are pausing to synthesize the information gathered, thinking about the backstory that further explains the important events in the book. 

Parents, use the reading strategies below to help support your and your child's thinking when reading together:

Fiction Reading Genres

Math. Students are starting Unit 2 of Math: Using Numbers and Organizing Data. Students will be learning about place value, interpreting sets of data using meanmedianmode and range, and measuring lengths using various methods. Please review the Unit 2: Family Letter that provides important background information, vocabulary, do-anytime activities and homework support. Additional resources, including information about all Grade 4 math units, can be found under "Math Links" on the blog. 

Students, watch the videos on multidigit addition and subtraction to help strengthen your understanding of these skills and concepts:


Students, review the skills and concepts learned in Unit 1 by rewatching the Math Antics Geometry Video Lessons. Sharpen your skills by playing the math games and watching the BrainPop videos listed below.

Parents, encourage a growth mindset in your child for Math!

Units of Study. Next week, Grade 4 will be taking a closer look at our home country, Brazil. Students will focus on the theme of Human-Environment Interaction to describe the ways in which people in the Northeast, North and Southeast regions of Brazil depend on the physical environment.

Review the BrainPop videos to further your understanding of the 5 themes of geography and the relationship between humans and the environment.

Homework Expectations

Exploring our passions will teach us to be lifelong learners. With this in mind, we feel that time outside of the classroom is important in order to pursue our interests. 

The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
  • Read 30 minutes
  • Complete one Math worksheet every 2 days
  • Complete unfinished class work
  • Review our Grade 4 blog for additional curricular information and/or to extend the learning at home

Grade 4, practice and develop a growth mindset!

Parents, make your thinking visible at home! Learning to be flexible in our thinking allows us to reflect and make meaningful connections to the world around us; therefore, a culture of thinking for active, healthy and mindful living is created! 

Parent Tip: Develop a Growth Mindset... Develop a growth mindset in your child by validating the learning process and effort... "You really made strong connections in your conclusions for Science!" Or "You did a great job organizing your ideas on your story arc." As opposed to... "You're good at Math." Or "You've got a lot of talent." (Ron Ritchhart10 Parent ApplicationsProject Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education).

Parent Tip: MAP Test Information (please see test dates below)... 
MAP tests are computerized tests to measure students' growth throughout the school year. While these tests are not tied to students' grades, they are still considered important indicators of student growth and we encourage students to do their best. 

Your child may practice for the MAP tests (math, reading and language) by using various online resources, such as Mathletics, NoRedInk and BrainPop (reading closely the captions while watching the video and taking the quizzes to check for understanding). The skills practiced online may help your child to become more comfortable at taking the MAP test since it uses a computer format. 

Support your child during MAP testing by taking the following actions:
  • Make sure your child gets a full night's sleep the night before the test
  • Make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast the morning of the test
  • Ensure your child arrives to school by 8:00am the day of the test as testing will start first thing in the morning
  • Encourage your child to do his/her best - remember, the focus is growth in your child's skills

One School. One Community. One Graded.

The Grade 4 team celebrates Brazil!

Please review our Open House presentation to clarify any questions you may have about our curricular program, homework and day-to-day logistics. 

Important Dates and Events

September 11... Math MAP (Day A)
September 13... Language MAP (Day C)
September 15... Learning Community A Assembly (Ms. Thibodeaux)
September 15... Ms. Lara's Birthday
September 22... Learning Community B Assembly (Ms. Arcenas)

Our expectations for you are to feel inspired, and strive to inspire. We expect for you to challenge yourself daily and feel successful. We expect for you to be kind, curious, and respectful. We expect for you to persevere, have integrity, and grow as a learner.

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