Friday, August 17, 2018

My Digital Guidelines: Weekend Homework In Humanities

Hello, Grade 5 Parents

This week, Grade 5 has talked a lot about digital citizenship, and the responsibilities that come with being a member of a digital community.

To help foster the conversation at home, your Humanities teachers have assigned some homework for the weekend, where we ask you to carve out some time to sit down with your child and have an explicit conversation about what your expectations and guidelines are for them when they use technology

Many families already have digital guidelines in place to help students know their boundaries for digital behavior. For some, these guidelines are explicitly discussed, but for many, they are often assumed.

We ask that you use the document that we've sent home with your child to help guide the conversation so that expectations are clear for both you and them.

We've attached a copy of the document here, just in case it gets misplaced over the weekend.  Please complete the document, and return it on or before Tuesday of next week.


John Wolfe and Nadine Kitto
Grade 5 Humanities

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