Monday, August 27, 2018

Humanities: Story Arc & Heart of the Story

Students have been working furiously on narrative stories. 

These stories should include action, thinking and feeling as well as follow a story arc. Understanding how the story will unfold is imperative to the flow of the story. Not only will a good story arc help you plan your writing, but it will also help you understand the heart of the story (the meaning).

Tonight, parents & students are asked to watch this short Pixar film, choose 2 or 3 questions to discuss and answer in our comments. 

{exposition} How does the Director start the movie? (How does he introduce the characters?) 
{rising action} What emotions does the main character demonstrate in the rising action? 
{climax} How do you know the character has reached a turning point? What is the turning point? 
{falling action} How do we know the character has changed his attitude after the climax?
{resolution} How does the resolution connect to the exposition? 
{bigger meaning} What is the heart of the story? 


  1. Ana Claudia & Mom

    Climax: The dog was given, the dog also started to encourage the boy to play.

    Heart of the story: Motivation to overcome challenges.

    Resolution: The boy left his comfort zone and went play with the dog.


  2. {rising action} What emotions does the main character demonstrate in the rising action?

    The boy is angry and aggressive with the dog when he realizes the dog is missing one leg. We thought perhaps he is treating the dog the way people have treated him.

    {bigger meaning} What is the heart of the story? The heart of the story is when the boy gets up and decides to go outside and play with the dog. He doesn't care any more about their handicaps.

    {exposition} How does the Director start the movie? (How does he introduce the characters?) The director introduces the boy playing a game in the dark. The boy looks angry. He barely looks at his mother when she puts the box in front of him. He is concentrated only on the videgame.

  3. In the being he finds out that the dog is missing a leg and at the end we find out that the boy is missing a leg.
    the heart of the story : it does not matter if you are disabled you can still do it or do not look on looks alone

  4. For me the bigger meaning of the story is the positive attitude and happiness of the dog, even thought he didn't have one leg. He played like any other dog. This attitude made the main character realize he could also play like a normal boy even with his difficulties. The dog made the boy happier.

  5. The Climax of the story is when the boy shows that he has and understands the same problem as the dog. At first he was upset, and prejudice against the dog, but soon he became friends with the dog because he understands.

    Josiah and Collin Webster

  6. Emiliano and Maria Fernanda :
    1. Falling action. We know the character has changed his attitude when his feelings soften, his facial expression changes and he stands up and he finally wants to play with the dog.
    2. Heart of the story. We believe that the heart of the story is how the boy identifies with the puppy and gets inspired by him. Both the dog and the boy have a disability however it doesn't stop the puppy from being playful and happy. When the boy realizes that, he stands up and goes to play.

  7. Climax: the boy soon realized that the puppy was still as lively as a puppy can be and suddenly loved the puppy because of his playful nature.
    Exposition: the movie starts with a boy video gaming and soon a woman labeled mom enters with a cardboard box...
    Heart: never make quick conclusions

  8. My parents and I think that the heart of the story is the change of attitude of the boy. Also he realized that he can be happy even without a leg.

  9. Resolution: the resolution connects to the expostition, because in the beginning, the mom tells the kid to go out because it's a sunny day. In the end, the kid goes outside to play with the dog.

    Falling action: The characters attitude changed after the climax. For example, first when the boy saw the dog he wasn't being nice, but after the dog did some tricks and the boy was more interested in the dog and treated the dog better.

  10. Exposition: the character gets the present from his mom and at first he ignores it, then he's a little bit curious about what's inside and he decides to open the box.
    Climax: the boy realizes that even though he doesn't have a leg nor the dog, it might be fun to play with him. So he decides to get up and play.
    Resolution: The resolution connects to the exposition because at first the boy is grumpy at first, and closed up. Then he becomes kind and open to new things.

  11. Falling Action

    He changes his attitude because he smiles he stands up and realizes that even tho he's handicapped he still can do stuff other people do so goes out to play with the dog. He realizes that because he sees the dog can get out of the box even tho he dosent have a paw.

    Heart of the Story

    The heart of the story is that even tho you have difficulties in life and limits you can always try harder. For example the boy saw the dog could do different things without a paw so he realised that he could try harder to do do something he doesn't imagine him doing.

    Valentina Livore

  12. Exposition

    The Director starts the movie by introducing his characters: a boy that only plays video games, the boy does not seem interested in anything, he does not even say hi to his mom. The mom looks like she is trying to help the son because she opens the window, she does not yell and gives him a present. Also the dog is very persistent he does not give up on the boy until the boy started loving him.

    Heart of the Story
    The Heart of the Story is the most important part because it brings out the most feeling/emotion in a clip, movie, story. For example, in The Present the heart of the story is the part when you see that he does not have a leg either and that he must of gone through a lot of suffering.

    Georgia Montagna

  13. Climax: I know the character has reached the turning point because he starts paying attention to the dog. The dog won him over. We can see this by his expressions and actions. He looks at the dog, gets interested in him.

    Falling Action: this is when the boy actually takes the red ball, turns off the video game, takes his crutches and goes outside to play wuth the dog. He even tells his mom he is doing this. And it’s a total change from his attitude of the beginning, when he was only interested in the game.

  14. Emiliano and Maria Fernanda :
    1. Falling action. We know the character has changed his attitude when his
    feelings soften, his facial expression changes and he stands up and he finally
    wants to play with the dog.
    2. Heart of the story. We believe that the heart of the story is how the boy
    identifies with the puppy and gets inspired by him. Both the dog and the boy
    have a disability however it doesn't stop the puppy from being playful and
    happy. When the boy realizes that, he stands up and goes to play.

  15. Grant's family
    1. Rising Action
    When the boy starts glancing at the dog when the dog begins playing with the ball, showing funny gestures.

    2. Bigger Meaning
    Appearance of two similarities does not attract one another strongly in the beginning. But, Actions slowly show and attract one another.

  16. The director starts the movie by showing that the boy is solitary and dosen't know what is happening around him,on the other hand the dog gets out of the box with a smile and happiness.

    The rising action shows that the boy is angry and because the dog is still happy since it dosn't have a leg.

    The heart of the story is to accept you look like

  17. Falling action: The boy agrees to go out and play with the dog. We noticed that he changes his attitude through his facial expression which changes from angry to friendly.
    Resolution: the boy feels connected to the dog because it has his same disability
    Bigger meaning: no matter your disabilities you can still live a happy life and make good friends.

  18. The director in the start of the video shows that he doesn't like his dog because the dog does not have a leg. He would rather play video games and stay on the screen all day. The turning point of the video is when the dog shows him that he really wants to play with him. Even though he does not have a leg the dog can still play. So the boy has a change of emotion. He realizes that he can also play with the ball even though he also does not have a leg. He wants to play with the dog because he realizes he has been in the same situation as the dog.

    The heart of the story is to accept what you look like. You can't judge a book by its cover so why would you judge a puppy.

  19. Climax:You know the charactar has reached the turning point when he stands up. At first, he was feeling sad and angry but when he stood up he managed to turn around the moment to a better understanding of who he is and how important it is to be positive.
    Bigger meaning: The heart of the story is that even if you are a bit different you are who you are and as important as everyone else.

  20. Climax: You know the charactar has reached the turning point when he stands up. At first, he was feeling sad and angry but when he stood up he managed to turn around the moment to a better understanding of who he is and how important it is to be positive.

    Bigger meaning: The heart of the story is that even if you are a bit different you are who you are and as important as everyone else.

  21. The director starts the video out with a solitary boy who only likes to play video games. When he gets his dog, he doesn't like the dog because he is missing one leg. At first he kicks the dog and he'd rather play video games than play with the puppy. The turning point of this video is when the boy realizes that the dog just wants to play with him. That is when he gives a chance to the puppy. At the end he realizes that you shouldn't judge a animal or thing because of what it looks like. You should give everyone a fair chance to be your friend.

  22. 1- How Do you Know the character has reached a turning point? What is the turning point?
    Answer: Because He thinks something about the puupy and then he realized that he was doing something wrong. The turning Point in the story is that he didn’t liked and he ignored the puppy but then he realize that the puppy a act of kindness that his mom did.
    2- What is the heart of the story?
    Answer: We think the heart of the story is. Never judge someone or something because of their appearance. Always try to know them before judging.

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  25. What emotions does the main character demonstrate in the rising action?
    After he knew that the dog's one leg was broken, he started to not care about it.

    How do you know the character has reached a climax? What is the climax?
    I think the climax of the story is when the boy started to concern about the dog. I know that this is the climax because he looked at the dog more frequently.

    What is the heart of the story?
    I think the heart of the story is "Don't judge something by its looks."
