Inspire. Challenge. Succeed.
Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 was inspired, challenged and found success during our trip to the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar! Students learned to appreciate and respect the biodiversity of the Mata Atlântica, as well as the value of collaboration and teamwork in order to achieve a goal.
Curriculum Corner
Literacy. Students continue to apply specific reading strategies to informational texts related to our Science Unit on Interdependence. They are using what they know about text features and text structures to strengthen their understanding of vocabulary specific to food chains and food webs, as well as to concepts connected to human-environment interaction.
Literacy. Students continue to apply specific reading strategies to informational texts related to our Science Unit on Interdependence. They are using what they know about text features and text structures to strengthen their understanding of vocabulary specific to food chains and food webs, as well as to concepts connected to human-environment interaction.
- What do you see are key ideas?
- What do you think are examples of human-environment interaction in the Amazon Rainforest?
- What do you wonder about the Amazon Rainforest?
Repeat the same see-think-wonder for the following NEWSELA articles:
Click the link to read the article |
Click the link to read the article |
Parents, use the strategies below to help guide your discussions about the information your child is learning from various nonfiction resources.
Parents, please make sure your child is reading at least 30 minutes a day. You can support your child by asking him/her questions about the reading, and/or reading aloud with them.
Use the reading strategies below to help support you and your child's thinking when reading together:
Use the reading strategies below to help support you and your child's thinking when reading together:
Students are well into the world of opinion writing in Writer's Workshop. They are using the boxes and bullets opinion writing structure to develop a thesis statement, thoughtful reasons and supporting evidence that will convince their readers of their claim. Students will apply what they know about opinion writing to write a persuasive essay about the influence of humans on ecosystems, in particular, within the Amazon Rainforest.
Students, review the following series of 6 videos to strengthen your understanding of persuasive writing - using a convincing tone to sway your readers of your claim.
Students, review the following series of 6 videos to strengthen your understanding of persuasive writing - using a convincing tone to sway your readers of your claim.
Math. We have begun a new unit on decimals and their uses. Please review the Unit 4: Family Letter that provides important background information, vocabulary, do-anytime activities and homework support. Additional resources, including information about all Grade 4 math units, can be found under "Math Links" on the blog.
Watch the following ESPN Sport Science videos. I wonder, in what ways are professional athletes connected to decimals?
Students, watch the videos to help strengthen your understanding of both new and old mathematical concepts. Be sure to practice your multiplication facts at home on a regular basis!
Watch the following ESPN Sport Science videos. I wonder, in what ways are professional athletes connected to decimals?
Students, watch the videos to help strengthen your understanding of both new and old mathematical concepts. Be sure to practice your multiplication facts at home on a regular basis!
Students, review the skills and concepts learned in Unit 1 Geometry, Unit 2 Adding and Subtracting Larger Numbers and Organizing Data and Unit 3 Multiplication and Division; Number Sentences and Algebra by rewatching the Math Antics Video Lessons. Sharpen your skills by playing the math games and watching the BrainPop videos listed below.
Parents, encourage a growth mindset in your child for Math! |
Units of Study. In Science, we continue to discuss concepts related to Interdependence, learning more about ecosystems and the factors that influence them. We will soon apply our opinion writing skills to write a persuasive essay that explores the relationship between humans and the environment. Students, review the BrainPop videos about food chains and the scientific method, as well as our science vocabulary to help strengthen your understanding of the key concepts of our unit.
Homework Expectations
Exploring our passions will teach us to be lifelong learners. With this in mind, we feel that time outside of the classroom is important in order to pursue our interests.
The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
- Read 30 minutes
- Complete one Math worksheet every 2 days
- Complete unfinished class work
- Review our Grade 4 blog for additional curricular information and/or to extend the learning at home
Grade 4, practice and develop a growth mindset! |
Parents, make your thinking visible at home! Learning to be flexible in our thinking allows us to reflect and make meaningful connections to the world around us; therefore, a culture of thinking for active, healthy and mindful living is created!
Provide Time to Pursue Passions... The holiday season is the perfect time to provide your child with the space he/she needs to pursue passions and interests. As we approach our Maracujá, or passion learning, letting your child explore different areas of interest will foster a love for life long learning. Pay attention to your child's learning outside of school and purposely provide the time for him/her to fully engage in it. Pursuing our passions allows us to be inspired, to face challenges and to succeed (Ron Ritchhart, 10 Parent Applications, Project Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education).
One School. One Community. One Graded.
Grade 4 is inspired, challenged and found success in the Serra do Mar! Take a look at the following photos and videos from our field trip to the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar. Discuss the following questions with your parents and connect your experiences to your learning.
- In what ways could I connect my experiences to The Eagle Way?
- Can I identify specific actions that helped us build community and teamwork?
- In what ways could my participation help me grow in my understanding of our key idea for Science?
Interdependence:"Ecosystems depend on the balance of all living and nonliving elements that are a part of it.
News from the Library! We have had the pleasure of having visiting author, Linda Sue Park, share her experiences of being a writer and reader with the Graded community. The daughter of Korean immigrants, Linda Sue Park has been writing poems and stories since she was four years old. Her favourite thing to do as a child was READ!
Linda Sue Park says: "Writers should make lists!"
For example:
Vacation Reading! Remember Grade 4, you can read loads of books on TumbleBooks, look up countries you are visiting on Culturegrams, and World Book, or even look up information in BrainPop for some educational viewing, in addition to reading your just right books. Use Destiny Discover to access the online library resources! Also, each family can check out up to 10 books for the vacation. Just be sure everything is turned in! Don't forget to add to your reading log!
Happy Holidays! It has been a pleasure to guide your children in their learning journey during this first semester. We are excited to see the new growth that will take place in 2018! The Grade 4 Team wishes you a wonderful and restful vacation!
Important Dates and Events
December 8... Holiday Concert at 8:30 in the Auditorium
December 11-15... LS Spirit Week (see information below)
December 15... Last day for students and teachers; 11:30 students dismissed
January 23... Classes begin (Day A)
January 25... São Paulo's Founder Day - No School
February 4... Ms. Thibodeaux's Birthday!
December 11-15... LS Spirit Week (see information below)
December 15... Last day for students and teachers; 11:30 students dismissed
January 23... Classes begin (Day A)
January 25... São Paulo's Founder Day - No School
February 4... Ms. Thibodeaux's Birthday!
December 11-15 is LS Spirit Week! |
New Dates: April 23-25 is o Sítio do Carroção!
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