Inspire. Challenge. Succeed.
Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 celebrates their learning process during Student Led Conferences! Students made their thinking visible, and helped make their parents' thinking visible as well!
Grade 4 demonstrated intellectual curiosity by reflecting on their growth during Student Led Conferences. |
Grade 4 celebrates their learning process... Grade 4, you were enthusiastic and confident leaders as you took your parents through your learning journey!
Parents show their thinking!
Grade 4 teaches their parents how to make their thinking visible... During Student Led Conferences, Grade 4 had the opportunity to teach their parents the thinking routines, CSI (color-symbol-image) and see-think-wonder. Parents made thoughtful connections to how they see their child as a learner, as well as to their experience during their child's SLC.
Liliana Fernandes describes Madalena as a learner using a colour-symbol-image during Madalena's SLC. |
David Roane describes what he saw, thought and wondered about Gabi's SLC. |
Who is my child as a LEARNER?
Read closely the CSI examples and consider the following questions:
- In what ways do the CSI's connect to student growth?
- What ideas are being repeated? What does this show us?
- In what ways do the CSI's push parents' understanding of who their child is as a learner?
One School. One Community. One Graded.
Grade 4 is Halloween! Thank you for your participation in our Halloween celebrations! We worked together as a community, enjoying the Halloween festivities!
Grade 4 is STEAM! Grade 4, we have begun our fourth STEAM challenge... The Catapult Challenge! Get ready to build and test your machines during our next STEAM session.
Review the information on our STEAM presentation and ask yourself the following questions:
- In what ways could I connect STEAM to The Eagle Way?
- Can I identify specific actions that helped us build our classroom community?
- In what ways could my participation in STEAM help me grow as a learner?
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