Friday, October 27, 2017

Grade 4 Takes the LEAD in Describing Their Learning!

Inspire. Challenge. Succeed. 

Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Wow Grade 4! You embraced challenges and soared to success during your Student Led Conference! You were enthusiastic and confident leaders, taking your parents through your learning journey. You made your thinking visible, and helped make their thinking visible as well! Parabéns!

Curriculum Corner

Literacy. We are digging deeper into our new reading unit: Reading the World - Informational Texts. Students are reading nonfiction texts by paying close attention to text features and text structures in order to make meaningful connections and unlock the information within. Students, practice using the nonfiction reading strategies as you watch the following TED Talks for Kids.

Parents, use the strategies below to help guide your discussions about the information your child is learning from various nonfiction resources.  


Parents, please make sure your child is reading at least 30 minutes a day. You can support your child by asking him/her questions about the reading, and/or reading aloud with them.

Use the reading strategies below to help support your and your child's thinking when reading together:

Math. Students continue to develop their understanding of multiplication, division, number sentences and algebra. Please review the Unit 3: Family Letter that provides important background information, vocabulary, do-anytime activities and homework support. Additional resources, including information about all Grade 4 math units, can be found under "Math Links" on the blog. Students, watch the videos below to help strengthen your understanding of these skills and concepts. Be sure to practice your multiplication facts at home on a regular basis!


Students, review the skills and concepts learned in Unit 1 Geometry and Unit 2 Adding and Subtracting Larger Numbers and Organizing Data by rewatching the Math Antics Video LessonsSharpen your skills by playing the math games and watching the BrainPop videos listed below.

Parents, encourage a growth mindset in your child for Math!

Units of Study. In Science, we have begun our discussion on Interdependence, learning more about ecosystems and the factors that influence them. We will extend our understanding of the relationship between humans and the environment, using what we know about text features and text structures to make sense of the information read from our science texts. Students, review the BrainPop videos about food chains and the scientific method, as well as our science vocabulary to help strengthen your understanding of the key concepts of our unit. Also, try building your own contained bottle ecosystem at home! What would you do differently after completing the experiment in class?

Guiding Question: How does the sustainability of an ecosystem depend on the balance of all its parts?

Homework Expectations

Exploring our passions will teach us to be lifelong learners. With this in mind, we feel that time outside of the classroom is important in order to pursue our interests. 

The following are our homework expectations for Grade 4:
  • Read 30 minutes
  • Complete one Math worksheet every 2 days
  • Complete unfinished class work
  • Review our Grade 4 blog for additional curricular information and/or to extend the learning at home

Grade 4, practice and develop a growth mindset!

Parents, make your thinking visible at home! Learning to be flexible in our thinking allows us to reflect and make meaningful connections to the world around us; therefore, a culture of thinking for active, healthy and mindful living is created! 

Parent Tip: Name and Notice Thinking... Parents, notice and name the thinking your child is using to make his/her ideas clear and meaningful: "You came up with an interesting theory!", "I like how you used what you know to make deeper connections.", "You synthesized and summarized the information you read into a detailed paragraph." (Ron Ritchhart10 Parent ApplicationsProject Zero at Harvard Graduate School of Education).

One School. One Community. One Graded.

Grade 4 celebrates their learning journey during Student Led Conferences! We are very proud of your growth during the first trimester of school, and we look forward to seeing you grow further in your learning and understanding.

Important Dates and Events

October 31... Pumpkin Math
November 1... Halloween Parade
November 2... Dia de Finados Holiday (No School)
November 3... No School

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