Inspire. Challenge. Succeed.
Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 celebrates their learning process in reading!
Reader's Workshop
Grade 4 grows their ideas and builds interpretations... Grade 4, we have been using our reading strategies to grow ideas and build interpretations about "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo.
Grade 4 digs deeper into powerful vocabulary... Grade 4, we have been looking closely at strong vocabulary from "The Tiger Rising" and connecting the words to a different part of the story. Using our note-taking see-think-wonder, we continue to practice supporting our thinking using specific examples from the text.
"Readers grow ideas by reaching for exact, precise words to convey their thoughts about a character."
Valentina Lima and Gabi make thoughtful connections to "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo using the thinking routine CSI. Grade 4 continues to build story interpretations using specific text evidence. |
Reader's Workshop
Grade 4 grows their ideas and builds interpretations... Grade 4, we have been using our reading strategies to grow ideas and build interpretations about "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo.
Grade 4 digs deeper into powerful vocabulary... Grade 4, we have been looking closely at strong vocabulary from "The Tiger Rising" and connecting the words to a different part of the story. Using our note-taking see-think-wonder, we continue to practice supporting our thinking using specific examples from the text.
Grade 4 uses our class see-think-wonder of "The Tiger Rising" to locate specific text evidence to support their ideas. |
Review the following reading strategy and ask yourself the following questions:
- In what ways does each powerful word help grow our ideas of the characters further?
- In what ways does each sentence, and the supporting text evidence, help us connect different parts of the story to the whole story?
One School. One Community. One Graded.
- In what ways could I connect STEAM to The Eagle Way?
- Can I identify specific actions that helped us build our classroom community?
- In what ways could my participation in STEAM help me grow as a learner?
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