Sunday, October 15, 2017

Celebrating the Learning Process in Ms. Arcenas' Class...PART 2!

Inspire. Challenge. Succeed. 

Every Student... Every Heart... Every Mind... Grade 4 celebrates their learning process in reading!

Valentina Lima and Gabi make thoughtful connections to "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo using the thinking routine CSI. Grade 4 continues to build story interpretations using specific text evidence.

Reader's Workshop

Isabella uses what she knows about the thinking routine CSI to build interpretations about a story. Repeating the same structures across different contexts promotes thinking and deepens understanding.

Grade 4 grows their ideas and builds interpretations... Grade 4, we have been using our reading strategies to grow ideas and build interpretations about "The Tiger Rising" by Kate DiCamillo.

Grade 4 digs deeper into powerful vocabulary... Grade 4, we have been looking closely at strong vocabulary from "The Tiger Rising" and connecting the words to a different part of the story. Using our note-taking see-think-wonder, we continue to practice supporting our thinking using specific examples from the text.

Grade 4 uses our class see-think-wonder of "The Tiger Rising" to locate specific text evidence to support their ideas.  

Review the following reading strategy and ask yourself the following questions:

"Readers grow ideas by reaching for exact, precise words to convey their thoughts about a character."
  • In what ways does each powerful word help grow our ideas of the characters further?
  • In what ways does each sentence, and the supporting text evidence, help us connect different parts of the story to the whole story?

Class example of powerful vocabulary from "The Tiger Rising"

Gabi's powerful vocabulary from "The Tiger Rising"

One School. One Community. One Graded.

Grade 4 is STEAM! Grade 4, get ready for our fourth STEAM challenge... The Catapult ChallengeReview the information on our STEAM presentation and ask yourself the following questions:
  • In what ways could I connect STEAM to The Eagle Way?
  • Can I identify specific actions that helped us build our classroom community?
  • In what ways could my participation in STEAM help me grow as a learner?

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